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Publication of the WFN Needs registry in JNS

WFN Needs Registry, which has been developed and finalized by past president of the WFN Bill Carroll, has now been published in the Journal of the Neurological Sciences.

Dear Delegates,
Dear Member Societies,

Publication of the WFN Needs registry in the JNS

We are pleased to announce that the WFN Needs Registry, which has been developed and finalized by our past president Bill Carroll, has now been published in the Journal of the Neurological Sciences.

We thank Prof. Carroll for this eminent contribution. The link to the paper is in Prof. Carroll’s letter below. All efforts are being made to ensure that this will be an open access article, which will be available on the website shortly.

It is a great achievement, for the WFN and its trustees, that this long-term project has resulted in this important publication.

Prof. Wolfgang Grisold
WFN President.
Letter from Prof. William Carroll:

20th of September 2024

Dear WFN member,

It is my pleasure to advise you on behalf of President Wolfgang Grisold and the present WFN administration that the WFN Needs Registry Study is now published in the Journal of the Neurological Sciences.

Wolfgang Grisold has very kindly co-authored the publication which provides an overall picture of the present state of neurological care and importantly the inequities and gaps in the provision of such care among the member organisations. It is, I believe, an important document and data source for WFN members. In addition to the overview, it also has the potential to be used by any of you individually or in groups to help leverage improved resource allocation in your jurisdiction/country. Data from your society can be compared against member societies with similar resources or geography and published locally, regionally, or globally. The complete data set is available through this publication to enable such efforts.

In advising all member societies of this publication I wish to offer my appreciation of your assistance in providing the data without which it would not have been possible and to offer my apologies for its long gestation. As is often the case in our world it has had to be done with little funding. Nevertheless, together with Wolfgang Grisold I commend it to you.

I would be very happy to answer any questions that you may have about it.

Best wishes,

Bill Carroll
William M Carroll AM.
Immediate past President WFN
Clinical Professor of Neurology, University of Western Australia
Centre for Neuromuscular and Neurological Disorders, Perron Institute, WA 6009

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