
 PNS Call for Training Grant applicants. Deadline for this grant opportunity is set for 31 January 2024

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7 December 2023

Dear Colleagues,

In line with our mission, one of our society’s overarching aims is to bolster the careers of researchers
and foster excellence in peripheral nerve research, including clinical, translational, and basic science.
This PNS funded grant opportunity is designed to provide support for two candidates:

  • It will enable a junior clinical investigator to acquire or consolidate expertise in clinical
    observational studies, clinical outcome measures, and/or clinical diagnostics and therapeutic
  • It will empower a junior scientist or clinician-scientist to develop expertise and knowledge in
    peripheral nerve research by addressing key questions in Schwann cell/axonal biology and/or by
    elucidating relevant disease pathomechanisms.

The selected recipients of these training grants will conduct their research activity within a Peripheral
Nerve Society (PNS) member research center where they have not previously received training.
We are pleased to offer institutional funding of up to $75,000 USD to be further disbursed to each grant
recipient annually, to cover their salary, and living expenses. All projects must commence by 31 January
the year following the award of the grant.

Who is Eligible to Apply
 All applicants must have a documented interest in and commitment to peripheral neuropathy

  • Candidates who hold an MD or PhD or MD, PhD, or equivalent degree (e.g., neurology trainee
    with a documented interest in peripheral neuropathies) or candidates with less than 3 years of a
    faculty position are eligible to apply.
  • Applicants who are in the process of defending their doctoral thesis but who have not yet
    formally been awarded the doctoral degree will also be considered eligible to apply.
  • The applicant must conduct the training in a center/institution where he/she has NOT been
    trained in previously. This includes institutions that are under the umbrella of another institution (i.e. Mass General and Mass General Bringham).
  • Those awarded a grant will be required to become a PNS member.

If you are interested in applying, please click here to visit our Training Grant page, learn more about the
application process, identify a PNS mentor, and apply by Wednesday, 31 January.


Charlotte Sumner, MD
President, PNS

Alessandra Bolino, PhD
Grants Committee Chair, PNS

Luis Querol, MD, PhD
Grants Committee Vice Chair, PNS

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